The Blog is Moving! . . . Maybe . . .

I’ve been operating Fresh-Scraped Vellum for almost seven years now, and I think it’s time for a change.

The Mayflower - Fresh-Scraped Vellum
The ship is packed and ready to go.

Since 2013, I’ve owned a self-hosted website at My intent then was to move the blog to that site, but I backed off under the belief it would be too technically complicated. I had looked into hiring someone to do it, but the cost was pricey, so it was easy to kick the can down the road. As a result, my author site remained nothing more than a static sales page for Enoch’s Device.

Since finishing the Beta draft of the sequel to Enoch’s Device, I’ve taken a few on-line courses on WordPress (the software than runs, and feel like I have enough knowledge to attempt a DIY transport of this blog to my author site. After steeling my nerves, I’m going to attempt the move this weekend.

Shipwreck - Fresh-Scraped Vellum
Unfortunately, not every ship makes it to shore!

Here is what I want my loyal readers to know. If the move fails, you’ll be able to find me right here, just like normal. If the move works, any attempt to reach this site or any of my old posts should automatically redirect readers to my author site. You can also check my author site at to see if the move was successful.

Also, in the event blogmageddon occurs and I somehow screw up both sites, you can check my author page on Facebook for updates during the crisis. In fact, now might be a good time to visit that page HERE and click the “Like” button so updates go to your Facebook feed. Alternatively, you can sign up for my author newsletter, so at least you’ll know where to find me the next time I send a newsletter out. To sign up, just click HERE. And, of course, you can always follow me on Twitter right HERE.

Wish me luck – I’m going to need it!

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